1082291 Views / Artist : Yas

Yas - Man Edameh Midam

Release Time : بهمن , 9 , 1392


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متن ترانه یاس من ادامه میدم

اين روزگار قلب من رو چاك داد

خوردم زمين و روبروم وايستاد

و گفت كه دستام رو بگير و

تا دستام رو بردم سمتش خنديد و فاك داد

همه به ظاهر گرم ولي نظاره گر

نگاه شادشون به دردم اضافه كرد

اون ها كه داشتن تو عقده مي مردن

اون ها كه سر سفره ما لقمه مي خوردن

تا اين رو فهميدن كه ما زمين خورديم

تماشا مي كردن و تخمه مي خوردن

منم جواب دادم با يه آه بلند

اون ها نشستن و منم تو راه قلّم

اون هايي كه من رو به حال خودم

رهام كردن كه تو درد هام ناله كنم

فعلا مهم هدفه ولي ببين وقتش مي رسه

 كه زندگينامشون رو پاره كنم


بكوب پاهات رو محكم روي زمين و باز

بگو اينجا  تازه اول مسيره روي پات

بمون انتهاي اين مبارزه برد با ماست

بدون وقت نيست پاشو

بگو من ادامه مي دم

ورس ٢:

من ادامه مي دم تو اين قصه بيدارم

واسه صد تا البوم تكست و بيت دارم

  ادامه مي دم تا وقتي حرف هست

آتشفشان رو نمي شه با برف بست

له شدم وقتي بايد غنچه مي دادم

حالا توي اوج درد و اوج بيدادم

ولي تا الان هم به درد هام فرجه مي دادم

ببين خود من برج ميلادم

ادامه مي دم و مرز ها رو مي شكنم

اينو مي گم به اون ها كه حرف هامو مي شنون

من تو زيرزمينم اينجا خونم رو ساختم

ادامه مي دم تا وقتي جونم رو باختم

دنيا بهم ضربه زد بخشيدم بي شك

هر چي زخمي تر وحشي تر مي شم

واسه رسيدن به هدفي كه پي اشم

رپ رو مي ذارم كنار ولي به يه شرط

وقتي رپ فارس رو بسازم و بميرم

طرفدار ها زير جنازم رو بگيرن

بشينن همگي كنار تابوت

بگن ياس هميشه به ياد ما بود

همخوان :

بكوب پاهات رو محكم روي زمين و باز

بگو اينجت تازه اول مسيره روي پات

بمون انتهاي اين مبارزه برد با ماست

بدون وقت نيست پاشو

بگو من ادامه مي دم

ورس ٣:

اونكه پاي خونواده جنگيد

خاطرات مثل كوله بار سنگين

رو دوشمه هنوز هم عذابم مي ده

ولي به زندگي باز هم جوابم اينه

هي زندگي چي كار كردي با من

تو اين رو بهم بگو تو نامردي يا من ؟؟؟

ولي اين رو بدون اين تويي كه تهش باختي

من ادامه مي دم هنوز من رو نشناختي

تا اون روز كه ببينم ايران بهشته

من اين رو مي گم و دارم ايمان بهش

من ادامه مي دم حتي توي قفس

حالا باز بيا دور ما رو ديوار بكش

من عمرم رو تو ظلمت سر نكردم

من واسه رسيدن شانس صبر نكردم

من با صفر يه كاري كردم كه مطمئنم

خيلي ها با صد تا صد نكردن

من ادامه ميدم

دعا مي كنيم كه خدا به بدخواهامون هم بيشتر بده بلكه دست از سر ما بردارن

چه سوختيم چه ساختيم

چه برديم چه باختيم

چه لري چه لاري

چه كردي چه فارسي

چه بلوچ چه گيلك

چه تركي چه ساري

شكفتيم شكافتيم

شتافتيم تا ساختيم


MAN EDAME MIDAM  (I'll Continue)

-English Translation-

These times have messed-up my heart

I fell hard -- it stood over me

Said 'Take My Hand'

And as I reached out

It laughed and gave me a "%#@ sign!

Everyone seemingly warm, but

Viewers with their happy stares

Just added on to my pain

Those and their hang-ups, just dyin'

Those at our table, dining

Soon as they saw us come crashing down

Stood by and watched, while still munching

I only responded with a loud sigh ...

They're sitting around, while I head to the top

Those who left me on my own to be

Freed me to moan in my agony

For now, my eyes are only on my goals

But the time will come to shred their history


STOMP your feet on the ground and SAY IT again:

"This is just the beginning!" STAY on your feet!

At the end of this line, the win is ours.

Hurry, there is no time, GET UP and say, "I'll Continue"!

I'll Continue, I'm wide awake (in this story)

Got enough texts & beats for 100 more records

I'll Continue as long as there's still more to say

You can't stop a volcano even with snowfall

Got crushed , just when I was ready to bloom

Now I'm at the height of pain and misery

But till now it was me, who gave way to my pain

On my own, I'm as great as the highest tower (Milad)

I'll Continue and break any border

I'm saying this to those who can hear my words

I built myself in this underground

I'll Continue till I lose my life

Anyone that knocked me, I forgave without doubt

The more injured the wilder I get,

For reaching a goal that I'm going for

I'll put aside rap, but on one condition

When I bring Persian-Rap to the top, and after I die

My fans carry my body, sit around me and say:

"At least YAS had always us in his mind".


The one who fought for his family

Memories like a heavy load

Still on my shoulders, still troubling me

But this is still what I say to life:

"Hey life! What have you done to me"?

"Tell me! Who was the coward, you or me"?

"Know that it was you who lost in the end".

"I'll Continue. You still haven't known me!"

Till the day that I see IRAN as heaven

I'll say this and I have faith in it

I'll Continue, even in a cage

Go ahead, build another wall around us

I didn't live my life in darkness

I didn't stick around and wait for luck & fortune

I did with zero, something that I promise you

Many, with 100 out of 100 didn't do!


"I pray to God that he gives more (takes care of) all my haters -- so maybe then they'll lay off of me!" 

Whether we win or lose

Whether we build or burn

Whether a Lore or Lar

A Kurd or Persian

A Baluch or Gilak

A Turk or Sari

We blossomed and tore

(with haste)

We kept going and built